Stories I Didn't Know documentary

A trip to Ireland by Stories I Didn't Know

Ramona, Rita and Ramona's mum (born in Ireland), a nephew, and a friend spent a week together in April near Drogheda, just north of Dublin. We explored a 5200-year-old passage tomb, Newgrange, where the sun shines into a burial chamber on the winter solstice. We enjoyed the Irish countryside, the people, Dublin and some delicious food! There is laughter galore when 3 generations, and a friend, travel together.

Stories I Didn't Know in Ireland

Stories I Didn't Know in NYC by Stories I Didn't Know

Last month, on April 7th, director Rita Davern and Ramona Kitto Stately, Dakota Educator held a LIVE virtual Q&A with 300 NYC middle and high school students. They watched Stories I Didn’t Know through a program called Movies That Matter put on by the Jewish Museum of NYC. The program invites middle and high school students to view award-winning documentaries that examine current social issues such as representation and identity, immigration, and civil rights followed by Q&A sessions with filmmakers and Stories I Didn’t Know was one of those documentaries!

Host a STORIES I DIDN'T KNOW community screening! by Stories I Didn't Know

We are thrilled to announce that now you can bring our documentary to your community! You can host a screening of Stories I Didn’t Know at your campus, theater, organization, or community venue. Also, you can book the co-directors Rita Davern and Melody Gilbert at your event.

We can wait to connect with you and your communties!